Hello !This is a server for a small community but where everyone can share what they love.This instance is going to be mostly about anime/manga or computer science but feel free to share everything you want !
Medical community on Mastodon
This Mastodon instance is for tech workers, academics, students, furries, and others interested in tech who are LGBTQIA+ or Allies. All are welcome to join us!
CATEGORIES academiaartfurrylgbttech
Migration from #econtwitter, but in no way affiliated with twitter.com.Discussion, both serious and light-hearted, on economic topics as well as other related fields.
http://mstdn.science is a place for people our field (microbiology), scientists in general, and science enthusiasts to discuss research and topics surrounding our work.
CATEGORIES academiageneral
vis.social is an open social platform for creative people, especially anyone in SciArt, SciComm, data, visualization, creative coding, and related arts and research. English is the common language of
CATEGORIES academiaarttech
Fediscience is the social network for scientists.
Microblogging for researchers, grad students, librarians, archivists, undergrads, high schoolers, educators, research assistants, profs—anyone involved in learning who engages with others respectfully
Literature, philosophy, film, music, culture, politics, history, architecture: join the circus of the arts and humanities! For readers, writers, academics or anyone wanting to follow the conversation.
CATEGORIES academiaartmusic