Radical leftist anti-authoritarian server. For anarchists, socialists, (climate) activists, LGBTQIA+, anti-racists, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, intersectionalists, vegans, human rights, etc.
Welcome to this official Fediverse instance for climate justice activists.
DEFCON.social is a place for hackers, policy, researchers, activists, artists, lawyers, infosec, natsec, academics, feds, cyberpunks and those interested in the intersection of technology & society.
CATEGORIES academiaactivismarttech
Welcome to this official Fediverse instance for climate justice activists.See https://climatejustice.global for climatejustice groupsDonations: https://paulatothepeople.eu/donations
Animal Liberation Network is a community for animal activists on the Fediverse. You can connect with other activists through the local timeline, as well as spread your activism to the outside world wi
Veganism Social is a Mastodon server for vegans. We offer anti-speciesist moderation by animal rights activists.
This is a mastodon instance for queer people and friends
CATEGORIES activismgenerallgbt
If you find this service useful, please contribute by making a monthly or regular donation.
CATEGORIES activismtech